Away from my computer for awhile…

I know it’s difficult to imagine. ME? Away from a computer for 2 full weeks? O the horror of it 🙂

Ok, so that’s laying it on a bit thick, and chances are I will at least be able to check my email a time or two in the next two weeks, but that will be about it.

When I come back I will, perhaps, have information about new needlework projects! I am starting a new set of chalice covers for a monastery, and I also have TWO very cool group corresponence courses starting via my chapter of the Embroider’s Guild of America, one is on goldwork, the other is blackwork.

With that teaser, I will return in two weeks!

I don’t generally post on things unrelated to need…

I don’t generally post on things unrelated to needlework on this blog, but I had to provide a link to this wonderful post on Second Terrace. I am unsure whether to call it a poem or reflection, though it is probably both. It speaks of forgiveness, and certain sad events in an Amish community a little more than a week ago.