Cycling Adventure Blog

Here is the home of my new blog that will focus on my introduction to cycling and, once I’ve completed the learning process, my efforts to become a distance/endurance cyclist. It seems best to keep this separate from my needlework – which I hope to get back to as early as tomorrow afternoon!

Name that Bicycle

Here is my very first bicycle – a Trek 7.6 WSD. I am very happy with it, and it has even survived two practice sessions as I start the adventure of learning how to ride at mumble-mumble years old. I am looking for a good name for my steed, so if you have any suggestions please let me know!

I am also starting a separate blog to journal about my cycling adventures and will post a ink here when I am ready. I’ve decided I want to keep that separate from this – seems easier that way 🙂

I took the plunge!

I can’t believe that I have done this, but I ordered a new bicycle today through a local bike shop. You can see it here, it is the Trek 7.6 FX WSD (women specific design).  I am excited about this, even if I won’t be able to do much riding before March. I got a great price on it and I have a great instructor to help me get up to speed.

My anti-diabetes campaign has given me little time for needlework these days. I am working with a personal trainer and attending 3 spin-cycling classes a week and am making great progress. After years of a very sedentary lifestyle, I’ve a lot of work to get into proper shape for some serious road cycling this coming summer – and to hopefully push back the diabetes specter. Even if this doesn’t work, in the end, I will know that I have done everything in my power to prevent it. Sure the cycling is part of it, but it is also for joy and a way to explore the world without being separated from it by metal and high speed.

I may start another blog for cycling as this progresses, or just do that here. Time will tell 🙂